You can do a combination of things. In the first instance we would recommend you discuss your refusal with the planning officer to see what, if anything can be done to overcome the reasons for refusal and if necessary submit a revised planning application.
If you feel however, that the council's decision was unfair in planning terms, can also appeal to the Planning Inspectorate against the council's decision. Under English and Welsh planning law you have the right to contest your refused planning permission by a planning appeal. Planning appeals are made directly to the Government’s independent Planning Inspectorate and can facilitate your planning permission being granted, irrespective of your Council’s refusal. The Inspectorate is completely independent of your Council decision.
Your planning decision notice will set out the detailed steps you need to follow to make an appeal. However, here are a few key points to remember:
If your application was for a householder development you have 12 weeks from the date of the council's decision in which to lodge your appeal.
For all other applications you have 6 months from the date of the council's decision in which to lodge your appeal.
At Design Solutions we have insight of how the system works and how planning inspectors think, allowing us to put your planning appeal across in the strongest possible way. We are ideally placed to identify and take advantage of any weakness in the refusal, plus draw careful attention to the strengths of the case in ways that will give the best opportunity for a successful appeal.
Planning Appeal Process
A site visit which allows us to get a detailed understanding of your case and local area.
All necessary liaisons with your Council and the Planning Inspectorate.
All necessary research including Council and Government policies and other appeal decisions which may be relevant to your case.
Preparation and submission of all documentation.
Presentation of your case either by a full supporting statement or orally at a hearing or public enquiry if required. Using professional planning arguments, our presentation would answer the type of questions the Planning Inspector may have, challenge the Council’s assumptions and set out in detail why their decision should be overturned.
Usually we accompany the Planning Inspector during their visit to inspect your property.
Supporting Planning Statement
A key success factor will often be our Supporting Planning Statement. The Statement will not be a re-hash or template from past cases, but will deal with the key issues of your individual case, addressing their relevant policies (both national & local) and set out the planning grounds in favour of your proposal, whilst also addressing any tricky points that a case may present.
This detail is often the area that sets us apart from other planning consultants and gives our appeals a far higher rate of success. Fixed fee £500.00 for your appeal + £250.00 if successful
At Design Solutions we deal with a variety of appeals relating to planning refusals, certificate of lawfulness and enforcement notices. We offer a service dedicated to achieving the results you want for a fixed fee charge for preparing and submitting your appeal, however we would not take on your appeal if we feel a successful outcome is not likely.
Design Solutions (London) Ltd
The Studio
7 Station Approach
Stoneleigh, Epsom
KT19 0QZ
For advice on design, build costs, planning and building regulations.